Friday, March 26, 2010


I always find a BCBG dress that I want, and this is no exception:

Spring has sprung!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Falling asleep is very difficult when you can hear your upstairs neighbor snoring.  That's where I'm at right now.  It's a bad sound like nails on a chalkboard or a tree going through the chipper.  It's worse still because it's constant.  And, I can only imagine how ugly it looks.  Mouth open, nostrils flaring, drool.  So readers, I hope you're frolicking in your dreams while I'm living this nightmare.  Sigh.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

This is healthy, right?

It's friends and family time at Gap, BR, Old Navy and most importantly Piperlime.  This is a problem.  Piperlime is all about shoes.  I am all about shoes.  This means danger.  I started out just browsing the Piperlime site.  It quickly evolved into me looking at shoes on every website that offers anything remotely related to footwear.  High-heeled, flat, boot, wedge, flip-flop, slipper...if you can wear it on your feet, I looked (and often lusted).  In honor of my obsession, I will begin posting a "Shoe of the Day" when I find an exceptional buy.  That does not mean I'll purchase said objects of glory, but it does mean that when we're talking, I'm probably thinking about said shoes.  I still love you and all.  :)